Thursday, June 16, 2011

Another chilly weekend

Hello everyone!  Hope you all have been doing well and that June is off to a great start...not a whole lot new to update you on....I've been working, Ryan's been working, we've been trying to bike as much as the weather will allow....Ryans new bike ships today...yeah! it should be here next week...both the rides with Eaglemount were cancelled this week due to rain and wind.  We are both VERY ready for some warm weather and sunshine.  It's good for the soul you know....Harley doesn't appreciate being kept indoors either...he gets very bored and gives me those puppy dog eyes...which very easily fill me with guilt....

So, to get out of the house and go do something despite the weather, we headed to Luther this past weekend in honor of Ryans upcoming birthday and Fathers day for my Dad...Dad and Ryan took a drive up the Beartooth Highway to check out the snow drifts....the pictures I'll attach don't have a point of reference, but if you so choose to believe Mr. Rigard he did say they were probably 15-20' high....brrr...Mom and I stayed home and worked on a surprise...which I'll fill you all in after next week....we ate a delicious halibut dinner...halibut caught by none other than my parents recently vacationed in Alaska and were generous enough to share the yummy catch!  Thanks you two!  Saturday evening, we headed into Red Lodge to listen to 10 Foot Tall & 80 Proof at Red Lodge Ales, the local good cooler and cooler as the night came on so we headed to Bridge Creek for a nightcap then headed home...

On our way home we stopped in Big Timber and returned a race chair Ryan had borrowed from a friend....he tried it out and I think would have enjoyed it more if it had, had a brake and definitely if he'd had some instruction....he thought it would be a good way to train....he has ambitions of competing in a triathlon at some point...but it just wasn't working was difficult to get into and out of with my assistance so it would have been difficult to get in and out of alone....he is totally independent with his handcycle which of course is more appealing to him....who knows...glad he tried it...we'll pursue it again should it come rush to figure it out by any means...

We managed to get in a short bike ride (10 miles) when we got back to the house....we no sooner pulled into the garage after the ride and the rain/hail started.  We were both quite glad to not have gotten caught in it....Ryan kept a great pace the whole time and we've decided that he should start doing sprints on the next time we can get out together that's the plan....

It took Harles 2 days to recover from his weekend of fun at Grandmas parents have 2 Airedales who are crazy dogs and they were also watching my brothers black lab mutt, 4 of them running around was quite the circus act...

Enjoy the pics and have a great rest of the more thing....I may have mentioned it in the last post, but if I didn't....I set up a feature on this blog (at the top of the page, under the blog title) that you can sign up to receive an email whenever I write a new is very just click on the link, enter your email address and then you have to open the email it sends you to confirm....then you should receive an email anytime I write....thanks for all of you who check the site!

More later!


Greetings All!

Snow on the Beartooth Highway

Looking across the valley from Vista Pointe, Beartooth Highway

May I introduce from L to R....Gus, Harley, Zuke & Lizzie...the motley crew

Out of order, but I thought I'd say "Cheers"!

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Memorial Day

Good morning everyone!

Hope you've all been well since we last chatted....Ryan, Harley and I are well...keeping busy as usual...we're both working a bunch....we're trying to bike as much as we can but the weather is making this enjoyable activity difficult to partake in....rain and snow...yes...snow...are still dominating our weather as of late...we did make it for a ride with Eaglemount yesterday evening which was very was the longest ride so far 14.25 miles and the biggest group of riders so far....5 handcyclists...the more the merrier...the crowd always grows as the weather improves....I'm certain the distance will length as well once Ryan gets his new bike in the next week or so....he's very excited...I'll definitely keep you informed about all that!

Garrett & Sarah came up this past weekend which was fabulous.  It was so great to see had been WAY too long!  We celebrated Garretts bday early...ate dinner out, met friends for drinks, went to a movie, went on a drive, played Wii and laughed a ton.  Thanks you guys for coming.  It was great to see you!

The gang and the least Harley loved it

It really is the end of May...