Thursday, April 19, 2012

What Are You Proud Of?

I know you’re probably thinking…”what the heck…we hear nothing from Ryan and Jenn for over 6 months and now two posts in less than a week?!”  I know, I know…it’s either all or nothing from the Rigards…..but something has happened…something really good and I’m super excited to share it with you guys…not to toot my own horn but maybe to inspire those of you who are having trouble getting started or to provide continued encouragement for those of you who have maybe already started your journey….
To start my story let me back up first…all the way to college…the first attempt….I admit…I drank quite a bit of beer and didn’t lead the healthiest lifestyle…actually let me go even farther back…middle school and high school…I have a ZERO athletic background and I was literally a “drama queen”…I had a great time with acting and performing but compared to sports this isn’t a very physically demanding activity...and somehow I always had some sort of “ailments” each time we had to run the mile or do anything too demanding in P.E.…

Ok…back to college and the beer drinking…I know I’m not alone in the beer drinking/unhealthy living a college freshman quickly adjusts too…I adjusted to it quicker than I did my class schedule…sorry Mom and Dad…my point in this parental confession being that I still had NO push towards being healthy or getting “fit”…dating Mr. Rigard definitely added the concept of activity to my life though he absolutely loves bringing up that each time he would invite me to join him at the gym I would respond by saying….”the gym?  Why?”…obviously that attitude has changed and evolved over the years…Ryan taught me how to mountain bike and even though he didn’t find it very “exciting” we did a lot of hiking and backpacking together…we even spent our honeymoon in Moab, UT mountain biking and camping…

I have to mention the most ironic and unhealthiest part of all of this was none other than …nursing school…completely unhealthy for me and probably many students who survive the process…the stress…the little time you think you have for exercising…eating whatever and eating it on-the-go…I honestly have never “struggled” with my weight but I would say the second attempt at college and being in nursing school was by far the “unhealthiest” I have ever been…we joke that making it through Ryan’s accident and then nursing school has totally sealed the deal on our relationship…nothing can break those bonds! 

As big of a turning point that Ryan’s accident was in all the obvious ways…it was also a turning point in the respect that I had a new perspective on taking care of myself….I knew I needed to take care of myself so I could take care of Ryan…and in the beginning it was hard to envision what life was going to look like…how much help if any was he going to need from me?…I wanted to be able to do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING he needed me to do…I didn’t want to have to depend on any other person…friend, family or stranger to help me accomplish those things…it was like I was possessed by some need to PROVE my ability to take care of Ryan in each and every way…well if you know us now that whole concept of Ryan needing help has been completely blown out of the water…and I am SO thankful…not that I’m glad he doesn’t need my help…I’m just so glad he’s INDEPENDENT…Ryan definitely needs me and I definitely need him but not in the ways I was anticipating….I think Ryan has maintained his activity level…albeit it is different than before but the quantity of activity hasn’t decreased…my activity on the other hand has certainly increased by leaps and bounds…it started with running when we returned home from Craig hospital…I ran my first 10k then my first ½ marathon then another 10k…then another ½ marathon…remember…this is all from a girl who was always “sick” each time she was asked to run a single mile...with the encouragement from the most amazing husband, family and friends I have kept at it…I joined a local commercial gym…got comfortable doing “my thing” there and was ok at showing up 2-3 times a week…the only problem being that I didn’t always know what “my thing” was and I wasn’t seeing tons of results…another problem being I didn’t know what I wanted those “results” to be…get “in shape” is a pretty vague goal…eventually I switched gyms via a kind gift from my in-laws…yes they say gym memberships are NOT nice gifts but in my situation it was one of the best gifts I have ever received…I’ve told them before and I’ll tell them again…thanks Dick and Karen…your generosity has literally helped me find myself…I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before, but I now belong to a Crossfit gym and I have changed in so many ways…my body has physically changed but I’ve mentally changed too…Ryan says I’m more confident and outgoing…I’m happier and less stressed…I know that surviving September 15, 2006 was the hardest thing I’ve done  up to this point in my life…pairing that survival skill with my new found “me” I admit that sometimes I feel unstoppable in the sense that I can walk into an unfamiliar situation and face it with confidence and know without a doubt I will make it through…as I sit in front of this computer…writing this to you…I’ve contemplated NOT sharing pictures of my so called “transformation” that has taken place over the past year…but if I don’t share them, then I’m not living up to my claim of being “fearless”…

 So…here I am…I am better now than I have ever been…I’ve competed in a couple of competitions…I’ve met wonderful people…I’m part of an amazing team…I have two amazing trainers…I’m strong and I want to be EVEN stronger…so this is my journey…I’ve incorporated exercise…I’ve significantly changed my diet…I’ve changed my lifestyle and I’ve finally started to see those results I’ve been searching for… 

                     February 2011                                          April 2012

                     February 2011                                          April 2012

                     February 2011                                          April 2012
I want to encourage each and every one of you that want to make those changes for yourself that you CAN DO IT!!!  You can do ANYTHING you set your mind to doing…I feel so good and so happy at this place in my life…this feeling is a gift and I wish the same for everyone reading this…thanks always for all the love and support…Ryan and I are doing so great right now…I welcome you to join Ryan and I in our quest to simply be our best each and every day…whatever that is to you…you won’t regret it and I BELIEVE you can do it…go get your dream!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Happy Spring!

Greetings friends and loved ones!!! 

Well, my delayed update was even more delayed...I really have no good excuse to give you either....we've been busy but I'm not sure doing what....nothing out of the is finally a lazy day....both on our computers, drinking coffee, picking on Harles....we may head for a bike ride in a bit but it's kinda cold....we shall the meantime, I will do my best to update you on the past few months....

August marked our 5th wedding anniversary...I can't believe we've been married for over 5 years already...I'm so thankful that I continue to feel like a newly wed so much of the time....I lucked out with Mr. Rigard

In September Ryan competed in two Marathon handcycling events....the first one was in Pocatello, ID and was really fun for him....a fast course with lots of downhill...the second one was in Billings, MT...not as much downhill but he still had a good time...he finished both of them in under an hour and a half....he says he had more fun during the Billings race as "I wasn't freezing my **s off" the whole eloquent isn't he? 
He's cold, not sad....I promise :)

Love this one of Dick cheering Ryan on :)
October we spent getting in a few more rides before the snow came and before we knew it, November was already upon us...we spent Thanksgiving in SLC with Garrett & Sarah which, of course, was a blast....we miss those guys more than we'd like to admit :)  Love you both if you're reading this! 

December Ryan had a work trip to Seattle and for Christmas we headed to St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands....what a great trip that was!  Dick, Karen, my Mom and Dad, Garrett, Sarah and Ryan and I was so relaxing and such a great trip....I was sad when it came to an end...we explored, snorkeled (Ryan too), ate, drank, relaxed in the sun and in the shade and enjoyed everything about the amazing villa we was great! 

January was spent getting back into the swing of "normal" after the holidays...I'm sure you can all relate to this....Ryan started skiing in January as well...he had a great season this year...I think he continues to surprise himself w/each new season on the mountain....our friend Pete moved back to town with his family this past summer so it was great to have him enjoy the ski season with Ry....

February was a landmark month as I crossed over to the dark side by turning 30! Just kidding....I can't imagine going back to my early 20's so I have great expectations for what the thirties will bring! Ryan assures me they are just fine :) Garrett, Sarah and Dick all joined us in Bozeman for a visit this usual it was a fun time and VERY entertaining....time to meet up with everyone again! I had my first Crossfit Competition in Missoula the beginning of was so nerve wracking but it was SO much fun...I have a great team and we had a lot of fun together...can't wait for the next one!

March brought with it the Run to the Pub which I talked my brother into doing as well as a bunch of friends....that a great time as well...easy to run a 10k when you know there's beer at the end :)  Ryan continued to shred the gnar in Big Sky and Bridger Bowl....I had the Crossfit Open Competition for 5 weeks starting in February and ending in March...I'm really happy with how I did and it gave me great information and a solid baseline to compare myself to next year...I have lots of work to do in the meantime! 

What a handsome brother!

Now we are already into the middle of season came to a close but never fear, Mr. Rigard has already switched gears and is readying himself for bike season.  We made it out for one ride already, hopefully another one this afternoon and he's signed up for a couple of races this summer...the first one is the middle of May...keep you posted on that...I promise!

Over and out for now as Ryan says yes, we are going for a ride...despite the ominous clouds in the sky...have a great week and I promise to be better at posting!
