Wednesday, July 06, 2011

5th Annual Ryan Rigard Golf Outing

Hello again!

Well I'm on call for work right now....putting me on a short leash from the house but providing me with ample time to do all the updates on this blog that I need to....what luck for all of us!

Last post, I alluded to the 4th of July and the Ryan Rigard Golf Outing...since we're still waiting on the few pictures from my Mom...this post will focus on the golf outing...

How It All Began...

Ryan was injured September 15, 2006....shortly after his accident Laurie McDonald, Tim Holland, Jay Barber, Kathy Egan and others from Rich's (Ryans Dad) office approached Rich with the idea of of having a golf tournament to assist our situation financially.  The first year all the funds raised went to help with Ryans medical expenses.  Since that second year, all the funds raised have gone to the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation to aide in spinal cord research.

Each year more and more golfers have come out and more and more donations have been generously given.  Last year the tournament raised $10,416.00...the most it ever has.  Putting on a show this big is a ton of work so if you like to volunteer...we'll take all the help we can get...check out the flyer below for other ways to get involved.

Ryan and I have yet to make it back to Pennsylvania to join in the festivities though we have Skyped a couple of is evident how much fun you guys are having...keep it up!

We are always so touched to see all of the participants who have dedicated their day to supporting this cause...we thank you all so much for your generosity and kindness these last 5 years...each one of you helps us to continue putting one foot and one hand in front of the help fill our bucket of strength and determination that we carry with us everywhere we go...from the depths of our hearts and the depths of our souls we thank you.

I'm including the golf flyer that is put together every year which includes the annual update that Ryan always writes...if you feel so inclined...grab a club, grab a cart and join in the fun...I am certain you will not be disappointed!

The bike is here!!!

Good morning!

I have SO much to update you all on that I fear it may take multiple posts to do it….for any of you who truly know me…I am borderline neurotic when it comes to organizing things….that includes blog posts…scary I know…

First off, I had wanted to share a puppy picture with you…not our puppy, but my super great and amazing friend Amy and her husband became proud puppy parents not too long ago…I promised I’d post his picture after Harley and Bear got to meet one another….Harley wasn’t quite sure what to do at first but by the end of the visit they both had soggy, crusty heads and were tired and panting….thanks for visiting us! 

Two tired pups!
Next up would be the long awaited news about…..drum roll please…..Ryans new BIKE!!!  It came last Tuesday and sadly we were too busy to get out for a ride until this past weekend.  Let’s just say it’s cool and sleek and my legs have a heck of a time keeping up with Mr. Rigards arms!  I clocked him at 30mph….he was coasting and I was peddling as hard as I could in my lowest gear!  We may need to invest in additional protective equipment….for both of us…. J 

He says the bike is comfortable and really fun....but different…he says it feels like he’s using different muscles and that will just take some getting used to.  He lays down a lot lower on this bike compared to his old one….we both thought the getting on and off would be more of a challenge, but as with everything…he makes it look effortless and easy….I do help but I know he could do it all on his own, no problem. 

We biked in Red Lodge this weekend…I’ll fill you in on all the 4th of July shenanigans in the next post…that was a shorter ride…it was REALLY hot and I think we both wanted the maiden voyage to be short…make sure he wouldn’t have a sore neck or that his positioning in generally wasn’t going to be problematic.

We got out last night after Ryan got home from work….we took out both handcycles…Ryan on the new one and I manning the old one….we both thought it may be a short little jaunt…(I usually wreck into parked objects or get stuck in gravel when I get on his bike to dink around)….lets just say I was a little leery of getting the thing out into moving traffic.  God must have spared a few angels to watch out for us…as He always does and off we went.  We rode one of our regular loops from the house…a grand total of 9 miles and we had a blast!  It was really, really fun…I told Ryan I’d be interested in riding handcycles on any of the flatter rides we do….

Check out the pictures…I’ll do another post about the 4th…I need to get some pics from my Mom….we forgot the memory card for our camera….I was so proud that we remembered the camera….apparently I need to remember all the pieces and parts as well!  So…stay tuned for the next episode of Rigarding Our Adventure….featuring 4th of July and information about the Ryan Rigard Golf Outing!

I call him....Knight Rider

A boy and his dog.

Mr. Muscles